Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Getting Our Feet Wet

Bell, Gary William. Getting Our Feet Wet: Liturgical Dramas for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing, 2001.

Call No.: 246.7 B413g

Publisher's Description: Lent is a great time to work dramatic presentations into your congregation's programming -- and Getting Our Feet Wet, a collection of 14 thoughtful sketches depicting Lenten themes, is a great resource for communicating the Gospel in fresh and exciting ways. Written with grace and style, the scenes probe common assumptions about faith, making a vivid impression on audiences while stretching their theological imagination. Most of the dramas explore familiar biblical events from novel vantage points: the proprietor of the upper room, two anonymous women at the crucifixion, wine-weary disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. Some of the stories bring out the humor and theological edge in scripture, while others leave readers yearning for the Good News of Easter. Appropriate for intimate gatherings or large worship services (particularly during Holy Week), many of the scenes require only one or two characters, and each comes with specific directions for props, sound, and lighting. Performance time of the scenes varies from approximately 5 to 12 minutes.

Publisher's Book Page: http://www.csspub.com/prod-0788018647.htm