Welwyn Commentaries
The library has received several volumes of the Welwyn Commentary Series published in the United Kingdom by Evangelical Press. The volumes received are:
227.206 El59s - Ellsworth, Roger. Strengthening Christ's Church: The Message of 1 Corinthians.
227.306 Ar77s - Arthur, J. Philip. Strength in Weakness: 2 Corinthians Simply Explained.
227.606 B446s - Bentley, Michael. Shining in the Darkness: Philippians Simply Explained.
227.8306 B446p - Bentley, Michael. Passing on the Truth: 1 & 2 Timothy Simply Explained.
227.8506 B446s - Benton, John. Straightening Out the Self-Centred Church: The Message of Titus.
227.9106 B532p - Bird, Anthony E. Practice Makes Perfect: The Book of James Simply Explained.
227.9406 B262k - Barnes, Peter. Knowing Where We Stand: The Message of John's Epistles.
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