Thursday, March 07, 2013

Interest Groups in American Campaigns

Rozell, Mark J.; Wilcox, Clyde; and Franz, Michael M. Interest Groups in American Campaigns: The New Face of Electioneering. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Call no.: 324.40973 R817i

Publisher's Description: In today's era of greatly divisive partisanship in Washington, interest groups have become increasingly powerful forces in U.S. politics. In races for the presidency, Congress, and state legislatures, these groups often help to elect--or reelect--candidates who support their causes and views. Now in its third edition, Interest Groups in American Campaigns: The New Face of Electioneering focuses on the key role that interest groups play in U.S. elections. Authors Mark J. Rozell, Clyde Wilcox, and Michael M. Franz present an extensive analysis based on interviews with interest group leaders, campaign finance filings, and election surveys. Opening with an introduction to the nature of our federal election system, they then examine how interest groups ally themselves with political parties and influence candidate nominations and party platforms. The authors also describe how interest groups interact with political candidates--by contributing money, goods, and services to campaigns--and with their own members and the broader electorate--through social networking, Tweeting, Internet advertising, television ads, direct mail, and phone calls. Throughout the book, diverse and compelling examples clearly illustrate how interest groups operate in the real world.

Revised and updated, the third edition of Interest Groups in American Campaigns delves into the 2010 election campaign; recent reforms and campaign finance laws that have substantially changed the roles played by interest groups; and how these recent changes will affect the 2012 races for federal offices.

Publisher's Book Page: