New E-Books!
Here is some information regarding our newest e-books!
One of our e-book collections, ACLS Humanities E-Book, will add almost 550 titles to the collection in 2011. They have rescheduled the release and it is now taking place in two stages: the first release of 250 has just gone live; the second release, with the remaining titles, will take place in late May or early June. The list of all these forthcoming titles in spreadsheet format is now available online at: (Catalog records will be available for the complete set of titles in late May, and will be added to our online catalog at that time.) HEB’s eighth round of new titles includes 542 electronic books covering a wide range of disciplines and fields. Among the most prominent new additions are another 141 titles in Film and Media Studies, 46 more in Philosophy, 57 in Central and Eastern European Studies, 41 in Music and Musicology, 33 in Jewish Studies, as well as 29 more in Bibliography and 30 in Linguistics and Literature. With these new additions HEB will retain its core concentrations in History and expand strong collections in Women’s Studies (254 titles total), Literature (138), Music and Musicology (127), Latin American Studies (114), Middle Eastern (112) and Mediterranean-Byzantine Studies (67), and Methods and Theory (84), among other fields across the Humanities.
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