Under Three Empires
Darakhovskiy, Izyaslav. Under Three Empires: The Thorns and Roses of a Life. Laurel, Md.: Bartleby Press, 2007.
Call No.: 940.5318 D240u
Publisher's Description: Dr. Izyaslav Darakhovskiy is the author of eight books. This story is about his unique life experiences under three of the most powerful Empires of the 20th century. He has been a slave laborer, farmer, soldier, economist, scholar and businessman. Throughout his life he has spent time with people from all walks of life from many countries representing a variety of professions and personalities. Dr. Darakhovskiy experienced a broad spectrum of emotions: joy and sorrow, love and dislike, admiration and envy. He has seen many ups and downs. Even in the most difficult life situations he has come out a winner time and again.
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