Sunday, October 30, 2005


LINK - Theopedia is a wiki-based "encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity." It's organized very much like Wikipedia. (via It Takes a Church)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Former Lease Books Now Added to General Collection

The following books which were part of our lease book program are now additions to our general collection. You will find these on the regular shelves instead of in the new book section.

Mukherjee, Bharati. The Tree Bride: A Novel. (Theia, 2004) - 813.54 M896t

Mills, Mark. Amagansett. (G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2004) - 813.6 M626a

Trigiani, Adriana. The Queen of the Big Time. (Random House, 2004) - 813.6 T734q

Perry, Anne. Shoulder the Sky: A Novel. (Ballantine Books, 2004) - 823.914 P429sh

Clinton, Bill. My Life. (Knopf, 2004) - 923.173 C617m

Friday, October 21, 2005

New Lease Books - October 21

Becka, Elizabeth. Trace Evidence (Hyperion, 2005) - F BEC

Bowen, Rhys. Evan blessed (St. Martin's Minotaur, 2005) - F BOW

Delinsky, Barbara. Looking for Peyton Place: a novel (Scribner, 2005) - F DEL

Diamant, Anita. The last days of Dogtown: a novel (Scribner, 2005) - F DIA

Gabaldon, Diana. A breath of snow and ashes (Delacorte, 2005) - F GAB

Jance, Judith A. Long time gone (William Morrow, 2005) - F JAN

Kinsella, Sophie. The undomestic goddess (Dial, 2005) - F KIN

Michaels, Fern. Pretty woman (Pocket, 2005) - F MIC

Morrison, Mary B. Nothing has ever felt like this (Dafina, 2005) - F MOR

Perry, Anne. Angels in the gloom: a novel (Ballantine, 2005) - F PER

Phillips, Susan Elizabeth. Match me if you can (William Morrow, 2005) - F PHI

Rushdie, Salman. Shalimar the Clown: a novel (Random House, 2005) - F RUS

Sparks, Nicholas. At first sight (Warner Books, 2005) - F SPA

Stone, Katherine. The Cinderella hour (MIRA, 2005) - F STO

Roberts, Chris. Heavy words lightly thrown: the reason behind the rhyme (Gotham Books, 2005) - 398.8094 R

Hicks, Robert. The widow of the South (Warner Books, 2005) - 811.6 H

Rehak, Melanie. Girl sleuth: Nancy Drew and the women who created her (Harcourt, 2005) - 813.52 R

Edgerton, Clyde. Solo: my adventures in the air (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2005) - B E

New Book - October 20

Tungate, Mark. Media Monoliths: How Great Media Brands Thrive and Survive. (Kogan Page, 2004) - 338.4730223 T834m

Thursday, October 20, 2005


LINK - There's a body in the library. Come solve the mystery Friday, October 31 at 6:30 p.m. Please sign up ahead of time so we know how many sleuths to expect!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

AARP's AgeLine Database

AARP has released a free database, AgeLine, which
provides indexing and abstracting of professional literature from social gerontology and aging-related research from psychology, sociology, social work, economics, public policy, and the health sciences. Links to full-text articles are also provided when available. The primary target audience is professionals in aging services, health, business, law, and mental health. However, it also includes some select consumer content. Based on the AARP description, the Library has added links to this database on the A-to-Z database list and the following "Databases by Subject" pages: Business, Family & Consumer Sciencess, History & Political Science, HPSS, Nursing, Psychology, and Sociology.

Material summarized is taken from journal articles, books and chapters, research reports, dissertations, gray literature, and educational videos from many publishers and organizations, including AARP. Links to full text or ordering options are included wherever possible. AgeLine is produced by AARP’s Research Information Center. Searching by subject, author, title, or journal name or year is available, as is browsing by select high-interest topics using AgeLine's "to Go" collections: Research to Go (for research and policy publications), Provider Publications to Go (for service provider publications), and Searches to Go (for general interest/consumer publications).

For a fuller description of AgeLine, see About AgeLine.

Fall Break Library Hours

The Library will be open Thursday, October 13, and Friday, October 14, from 8:00 - 4:30. We will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, October 15 - 16. Normal hours will be resumed on Monday, October 17.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Children's Author Sharon Draper at UT

The Center for Children’s and Young Adult’s Literature hosts Sharon Draper, author and 1997 National Teacher of the Year, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in the University Center’s Shiloh Room at 7 pm on October 17.

Draper’s visit, part of the center’s annual speaker series, will focus on reading, the writing process, and the joy of finding a good book.

Students, faculty, and the general public are invited to this free event.

Posts on Draper’s Web site give clues to Draper’s abilities. One teacher had this to say: “I was on the edge of my seat the whole night.” Another teacher claimed, “I was very impressed with you [Draper] and your books and look forward to buying class sets of your work so that my entire class can have that pleasure also.”

Draper’s best-known books are Tears of a Tiger (American Library Association Best Book for Young Adults), Forged by Fire (1997 Coretta Scott King Award), and Darkness Before Dawn (ALA Top Ten Quick Pick). All three are part of the Hazelwood High Trilogy.

Other honors Draper has received include Ohio Teacher of the Year, the Milken Family Foundation Award, and the Duncanson Artist-in-Residence for the Taft Museum. Draper was also one of the first teachers to achieve National Board Certification in English/Language Arts

For information on Draper’s visit contact Ken Wise, 974-2359, at Hodges Library. Visit Draper’s Web site at for information about her and on booking her for an event. For more information about the Center for Children’s and Young Adult’s Literature, visit