Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Electronic Government Documents from the FTC

We have just added several new electronic government documents from the Federal Trade Commission that deal with technology issues that are relevant and current.

VOIP: It's a phone, It's a computer, It's . . .

Social Networking Sites: A Parent's Guide

Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens

Check 21: Substitute Checks, Electronic Processing, and What It Means to You

Electronic Check Conversion

Subastas en Internet: Una guia para conpradores y vendedores [Internet Auctions: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers]

Minimizing the Effects of Malware on Your Computer

Site Seeing on the Internet

Crisis de Identidad: Que hacer si le roban su identidad
[Identity Crisis: What to do if your Identity Is Stolen]

To Buy or Not to Buy: Identity Theft Spawns New Products and Services to Help Minimize Risk

Advance-Fee Loan Scams: 'Easy' Cash Offers Teach Hard Lessons

Choosing a Credit Card: The Deal is in the Disclosures

Tarjetas de credito, Debito y ATM: Que hacer si se pierden o son robadas
[Credit, ATM, and Debit Cards: What to do if they're lost or stolen]

Fair Credit Billing [also available in Spanish]

Salud Fiscal: Como elegir un consejero de credito [Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit Counselor]

For People on Debt Management Plans: A Must-Do List [also available in Spanish]

Foreclosure Rescue Scams: Another Potential Stress for Homeowners in Distress [also available in Spanish]

Giving the Bounce to Counterfeit Check Scams
[also available in Spanish]

How to Manage Your Mortgage if Your Lender Closes or Files for Bankruptcy [also available in Spanish]

Prescreened Offers of Credit and Insurance

Student Loans: Avoiding Deceptive Offers

Credit Repair: How to Help Yourself

How to Dispute Credit Report Errors
[also available in Spanish]

Your Access to Free Credit Reports [also available in Spanish]

Mortgage Payments Sending You Reeling?: Here's What to Do [also available in Spanish]

Selling Your Home? Tips for Selecting a Real Estate Professional
[also available in Spanish]

Discriminacion Contra Los Solicitantes de Hipotecas
[Mortgage Discrimination]

Prestamos con Garantia Hipotecaria: Atencion Prestatarios [Home Equity Loans: Borrowers Beware]

Mortgage Servicing: Making Sure Your Payments Count [also available in Spanish]

Necesita un prestamo?: Pienselo dos veces antes de utilizar su casa como colateral [Need a Loan?: Think Twice about Using Your Home as Collateral]

Todo a su debido tiempo: Como comprar y vender tiempos compartidos y planes vacacionales [Time and time again: Buying and selling timeshares and vacation plans]

Considering a Private Residential Treatment for a Troubled Teen?: Questions for Parents and Guardians to Ask

Energyguidance: Appliance Shopping with the Energyguide Label

Basik Lasik: Tips on Lasik Eye Surgery

Test Your Supplement Savvy

Weighing the Evidence on Diet Ads

Oportunidades de facturacion medica: Merecen una segunda opinion
[Medical Billing Opportunities: Worth a Second Opinion]

Ofrecimientos de periodo de prueba: Lo importante esta en los detalles [Trial Offers: The Deal Is in the Details]

Paying Final Respects: Your Rights When Buying Funeral Goods & Services [also available in Spanish]


Warranties for Newly Built Homes: Know Your Options

Como Corregir un error
[How to Right a Wrong]

Charitable Donations: Give or Take? [also available in Spanish]

Helping Older Consumers Avoid Charity Fraud

Straight Talk About Telemarketing
[also available in Spanish]

You Make the Call: The FTC's Telemarketing Sales Rule [also available in Spanish]

Buying Time: The Facts about Pre-Paid Phone Cards [also available in Spanish]

Ofertas de premios: No tiene que pagar para participar [Prize Offers: You Don't Have to Pay to Play]

All of these titles can be found via the library's online catalog. When you click the link, it will open a PDF file for your viewing.
