005.133 C102d - Dale, Nell and Weems, Chip.
Programming in C++. 3rd ed. (Jones and Bartlett, 2005)
028.7071 As74 - Avery, Elizabeth Fuseler, ed.
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes for Information Literacy Instruction in Academic Institutions. (ACRL, 2003)
128.37 F985w - Furtak, Rick Anthony.
Wisdom in Love: Kierkegaard and the Ancient Quest for Emotional Integrity. (University of Notre Dame Press, 2005)
171.6 G510b - Globus, Alfred R.
Book of Wisdom: Quotations. (s.n., n.d.)
179.1 Si64o - Singer, Peter.
One World: The Ethics of Globalization. 2nd ed. (Yale, 2004)
179.8 Sz12h - Szabados, Bela and Soifer, Eldon.
Hypocrisy: Ethical Investigations. (Broadview, 2004)
193 H555n - Hill, R. Kevin.
Nietzsche's Critiques: The Kantian Foundations of His Thought. (Oxford, 2005)
220.046 Sm67r - Smith, T. C.
Reading the Signs: A Sensible Approach to Revelation and Other Apocalyptic Writings. (Smith & Helwys, 1997) [ALSO BAPT]
230.091724 In8 - Parratt, John, ed.
An Introduction to Third World Theologies. (Cambridge, 2004)
242 B264h - Barnette, Henlee and Barnette, James.
Homely Joys: Prayers, Poems, and Barbs. (Christian Ethics Today, 2005) [ALSO BAPT]
261.7 G149p - Gamwell, Franklin I.
Politics as Christian Vocation: Faith and Democracy Today. (Cambridge, 2005)
270.082 St12f - Stackhouse, John G., Jr.
Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender. (Baker, 2005)
271.7913 P587t -
Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive. The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ. (Simon & Schuster, 1998)
271.53 W933g - Wright, Jonathan.
God's Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power--A History of the Jesuits. (Doubleday, 2005)
305.569 Eh84n - Ehrenreich, Barbara.
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. (Holt, 2002)
306.362 B195u - Bales, Kevin.
Understanding Global Slavery: A Reader. (University of California, 2005)
306.697 Su87r - Sutton, Philip W. and Vertigans, Stephen.
Resurgent Islam: A Sociological Approach. (Polity, 2005)
327.1273 Z47c - Zepezauer, Mark.
The CIA's Greatest Hits. (Odonian, 1994)
370.11 M420 - Hadlock, Charles R., ed.
Mathematics in Service to the Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in the Mathematical Sciences. (MAA, 2005)
510 Ox2 - Zeidler, Eberhard, ed.
Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics. (Oxford, 2004)
510.07 In6 - Mahler, Richard J., ed.
Innovative Approaches to Undergraduate Mathematics Courses Beyond Calculus. (MAA, 2005)
510.09 F925 - Shell-Gellasch, Amy and Jardine, Dick, eds.
From Calculus to Computers: Using the Last 200 Years of Mathematics History in the Classroom. (MAA, 2005)
516.0076 B728c - Bradley, Christopher J.
Challenges in Geometry for Mathematical Olympians Past and Present. (Oxford, 2005)
519.5 In6 - Garfield, Joan B., ed.
Innovations in Teaching Statistics. (MAA, 2005)
809 K458p - Kermode, Frank.
Pleasure and Change: The Aesthetics of Canon. (Oxford, 2004)
861.99366 M298j - Malta, Victor Guillermo.
El Juego del Amor. (Victory Editorial, 2005)
863.6099287 B212e - Ballesteros, Isolina.
Escritura Femenina y Discurso Autobiografico en la Nueva Novela Espanola. (Peter Lang, 2002)
916.29043 L622l - Liebowitz, Daniel and Pearson, Charles.
The Last Expedition: Stanley's Mad Journey through the Congo. (Norton, 2005)
T 248.83 G112t - Gabhart, Herbert C.
Time Out! (s.n., 1998)
T 299.7855 G192m - Garrett, J.T.
Meditations with the Cherokee: Prayers, Songs, and Stories of Healing and Harmony. (Bear & Co., 2001)