New Lease Books
What's a lease book?
It's a book that we obtain from a vendor for a short period of time (usually about a year) to fulfill current reading interests. We try to pick a variety of materials, but we do pay attention to past usage of materials to see if authors or genres are checking out. We also pay attention to reviews of items. We are able to keep a small percentage of these titles on a permanent basis after the lease time is up.
Lease books are shelved in the alcove area beside the library entrance. They are on the first two shelves to the right of the south window.
The most recent shipment includes the following titles:
Evanovich, Janet. Twelve Sharp. (F EVA)
Flagg, Fannie. Can't Wait to Get to Heaven. (F FLA)
Keyes, Marian. Anybody Out There? (F KEY)
Margolin, Phillip. Proof Positive. (F MAR)
Michel, DeLaune. Aftermath of Dreaming. (F MIC)
Moore, Jane. The Second Wives Club. (F MOO)
Parker, Robert B. Blue Screen. (F PAR)
Rollins, James. Black Order: A SIGMA Force Novel. (F ROL)