Here are a few more books recently added. Most can be found on the new book shelves in the alcove area near the front entrance of the library.
133.43 M451w - Maxwell-Strut, P.G./ Wizards A History
152.43 C174t - Capps, Donald/ A Time to Laugh, The Religion of Humor
200.19 H761p - Hood, Jr., Ralph W, Hill, Peter C. & Williamson, W. Paul/ The Psychology of Religious Fundamentalism
200.93 R279 - Johnston, Sarah Iles/ Religions of the Ancient World a guide
201.5 M367w - Marty, Martin E./ When Faiths Collide
201.723 D675 - Bucar, Elizabeth. M and Barnett, Barbra/ Does Human Rights Need God?
201.764 R279 - Owens, Erik C., Carlson, John D. & Elshtain, Eric P./ Religion and the Death Penalty; A Call for Reckoning
202.3 Se371 - Segal, Alan F./ Life After Death
204.0973 Sch54r - Schmidt, Leigh Eric/ Restless Souls; The Making of American Spirituality
221.6 Sm62m - Smith,Mark S./ The memoirs of God
221.609 B471 - Henze, Matthias/ Biblical Interpretation at Qumran
222.53092 So47br - Brueggemann, Walter/ Solomon; Isreal’s Ironic Icon of Human Achievement
225.6 F118 - McKnight,Scott & Osborne, Grant R./ The Face of New Testament Studies; A Survey of Recent Research
225.92 P281cr - Crossan, John and Reed, Jonathan/ In Search of Paul
230 In1f - Inbody, Tyron/ The Faith of the Christian Church An Introduction to Theology
230.4 C144 - Mckim, Donald K./ Casmbridge Companion to John Clavin
230.09031 C144 - Bagchi, David and Steinmetz, David C./ Reformation Theology- Cambridge Companion
230.61 D954s v.2 - Watson, JoAnn Ford/ Selected Spiritual Writings of Anne Dutton; Discourses, Poetry, Hymns, Memiors
231.09 K146d - Karkkainen, Veli-Matti/ The Doctrine of God
232 B942j - Burridge, Richard and Gould, Graham/ Jesus Now and Then
232.9 F899j - Freyne, Sean/ Jesus a Jewish Galilean
248 P442c - Peterson, Eugen H./ Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places; A conversation in spiritual Theology
248.22 D759i - Downing, David C./ Into the Region of Awe; Mysticism in C.S. Lewis
261.26 C439c - Chilton, Bruce D. and Neusner Jacob/ Classical Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism.
261.55 M178d -McGrath, Alister Dawkins’ God Genes Memes, and the Meaning of life
261.8088 M720 - Modern Catholic Social Teaching
261.833151 G288 - Genocide In Rowanda Complicity of the Churches?
270.1083 B179w -Bakke, O.M./ When Children Became People
271.009015 H22d - S.J. Harmless, Willam/ Desert Christians
280.042 N720i - Noll, Mark A., Nystrom, Carolyn/ Is the reformation Over?
280.4 L668d - Lippy, Charles H./ Do Real Men Pray?
292.08 M589an - Mikalson, Jon D./ Ancient Greek Religion
296.31174 Im7 - Katz, Steven T./ The Impact of the Holocaust on Jewish Theology
297 As51n - Aslan, Reza/ No God but God; The Origins, Evolutions and Future of Islam
297.93 G184b - Garlington, William/ The Baha’I Faith in America
299.2 D493d - Dever, William G./ Did God Have a Wife?; Archaeoloy and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel
345.11 Un3u v.118 - United States at large. Public Laws (4 vols.)
345.4 Un3 v.544 pt.2 - Wagner, Frank D./ Official Reports of the Supreme Court
353.03 Un3i5 - Clinton, William J./ The Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States 1993-2001
363.702 B813v 2006-07 - Vital Signs 2006-2007
610.73072 AN78 v.24 2006 - Annual Review of Nursing Research Vol. 24
714.67 p341b - Graphis Brochure No. 5
813.54 B261n - Barnes, Dajuna/ Nightwood
813.54 B728m - Ray Bradbury
813.54 D753i - Dowell, Coleman/ Island People
813.54 D859p - Ducornet, Rikki/ Phosphor in Dreamland
813.54 E152b - Elkin, Stanley/ Boswell
813.54 E152m - Elkin, Stanley/ The MacGuffin
813.54 E152r - Elkin, Stanley/ The Rabbi of Lud
813.54 Ea771 - Eastlake, William/ Lyric of the Circle heart
813.54 M423h - Matthews, Harry/ The Human Country
813.54 M380a - Maso, Carole/ The American Woman in the Chinese Hat
813.54 R251te - Reed, Ishmael/ The Terrible Twos
813.54 R338u - Reyoung / Unbabbling
813.54 Z99g -Zwiren, Scott/ God Head
813.54 Sch88n -Schutt/ Christine/ Nightwork
813.54 So69s - Sorrentino, Christopher/ Sound on Sound
823.914 B790a - Brooke-Rose, Christine/ Amalgamemnon
823.912 G822d - Green, Henry/ Doting
R 343.029 C355 2006- Chambers USA America’s Leading Lawyers for Business
R 345.22 T257a 2006 no.1 - Tennessee Code Annotated 2006
R 345.21 Un3 2000, Supp.3 - United States Code (vols. 4 & 5)
R 928.082 So54 v.168------ Something About the Author v. 168