These books have been added to the general collection since April 1:
001.4 B219r RealWorld evaluation : working under budget, time, data, and political constraints / Michael Bamberger, Jim Rugh, Linda Mabry.
005.1 D369e Evolutionary computation : a unified approach / Kenneth A. De Jong.
070.19 M123b Bad news at Black Rock : the sell-out of CBS News / Peter McCabe.
070.4 Se41b Broadcasts from the Blitz : how Edward R. Murrow helped lead America into war / Philip Seib.
081 D817 Dressing for dinner in the naked city : and other tales from the Wall Street journal's middle column / edited by Jane Berentson.
133.43 N825i In the devil's snare : the Salem witchcraft crisis of 1692 / by Mary Beth Norton.
170 C660n The nature of moral reasoning : the framework and activities of ethical deliberation, argument, and decision-making / Stephen Cohen.
192.7 M611th Three essays : On liberty, Representative government, The subjection of women / John Stuart Mill.
200.223 Ob6a The atlas of religion / Joanne O'Brien and Martin Palmer consultant editor, David B. Barrett.
201.3 R311 v.18 Research in the social scientific study of religion.
201.309 Ar57s A short history of myth / Karen Armstrong.
230.044 B960e Exploring Protestant traditions : an invitation to theological hospitality / W. David Buschart.
230.092 N558re Nietzsche, psychohistory, and the birth of Christianity / Morgan Rempel.
230.49 Ol8a Arminian theology : myths and realities / Roger E. Olson.
230.61 D954s v.3 Selections. 2003;"Selected spiritual writings of Anne Dutton : eighteenth-century British-Baptist
282.73 C189c Catholics in America : a history / Patrick W. Carey.
303.372 M352b The beloved community : how faith shapes social justice, from the civil rights movement to today / Charles Marsh.
303.4 R271g The greening of America.
304.2 P125p The people shapers / Vance Packard.
304.201 M826t Thinking ecologically : environmental thought, values, and policy / Bruce Morito.
305.55 P544b Boiling point : Republicans, Democrats, and the decline of middle-class prosperity / Kevin Phillips.
306 H428r Re-reading popular culture / Joke Hermes.
306.0973 B644s Slouching towards Gomorrah : modern liberalism and American decline / Robert H. Bork.
306.36 M285o The opt-out revolt : why people are leaving companies to create kaleidoscope careers / Lisa A. Mainiero & Sherry E. Sullivan.
320.01 Om2p Platonopolis : Platonic political philosophy in late antiquity / Dominic J. O'Meara.
320.5 D622w Why Americans hate politics / E.J. Dionne, Jr.
320.513 C832t Treason : liberal treachery from the cold war to the war on terrorism / Ann Coulter.
320.973 An23a American Government ... like it is / Jack Anderson, Carl Kalvelage.
320.973 M786w The Washington connection / Robin Moore, Lew Perdue, with Nick Rowe.
320.973 P544a Arrogant capital : Washington, Wall Street, and the frustration of American politics / Kevin Phillips.
320.973 Sm58p The power game : how Washington works / Hedrick Smith.
324.78 T488y Year of the rat : how Bill Clinton compromised U.S. security for Chinese cash / Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II.
324.9 H818a The American Conservative Union presents Al Gore : America in the balance / Jerri Houston and Patricia Fava foreword by David Keene.
324.973 C848w What it takes : the way to the White House / Richard Ben Cramer.
324.973 C884b The boys on the bus.
324.973 G318m Mad as hell : revolt at the ballot box, 1992 / Jack W. Germond, Jules Witcover.
324.973 P767p Presidential elections : contemporary strategies of American electoral politics / Nelson W. Polsby, Aaron Wildavsky.
324.973 W585m The making of the President, 1972 [by] Theodore H. White.
327.12 Ag32i Inside the company : CIA diary / Philip Agee.
327.73 Al53k Kissinger : the secret side of the Secretary of State / by Gary Allen.
327.73009 K627o Overthrow : America's century of regime change from Hawaii to Iraq / Stephen Kinzer.
327.73056 Or3p Power, faith, and fantasy : America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present / Michael B. Oren.
328.73 C160 Can you afford this House? / David C. Treen, editor.
328.73 C266 The case against the reckless Congress / edited by Marjorie Holt.
328.73 G834w Who runs Congress? / completely revised and updated by Mark J. Green with Bruce Rosenthal ... [et al.] introd. by Ralph Nader.
328.73 M619f Fishbait : the memoirs of the congressional doorkeeper / by William Fishbait Miller as told to Frances Spatz Leighton.
328.73 P385c Common cents : a retiring six-term congressman reveals how Congress really works-- and what we must do to fix it / by Timothy J. Penny and Major Garrett.
330 Sm51w 1979 The wealth of nations : books I-III / Adam Smith with an introduction by Andrew Skinner.
330.09 Scr26o Profilo di storia del pensiero economico.;"An outline of the history of economic thought / Ernesto Screpanti and Stefano Zamagni translated by David Field and Lynn Kirby."
330.973 G578g The great depression : the United States in the thirties / by Robert Goldston.
330.973 L863r The return of thrift : how the coming collapse of the middle-class welfare state will reawaken values in America / Phillip Longman.
331.133 Z38b Backfire : a reporter's look at affirmative action / Bob Zelnick.
332.092 R590a The Rockefeller file / by Gary Allen.
332.0973 St25m The millionaire next door : the surprising secrets of America's wealthy / by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Canko.
332.6 B918i Investing for the future / Larry Burkett.
335.4 Al53n None dare call it conspiracy.
335.4 St74d The death of a nation / by John A. Stormer.
335.4 St74n None dare call it treason, by John A. Stormer.
335.43 C376u Useful idiots : how liberals got it wrong in the cold war and still blame America first / Mona Charen.
336.242 K320a An American renaissance : a strategy for the 1980's / Jack Kemp.
336.242 T790i Inside the underground economy / by Jerome Tuccille.
336.39 P949u Uncle Sam--the last of the bigtime spenders.
336.39 Sa49g The good life and its discontents : the American dream in the age of entitlement, 1945-1995 / Robert J. Samuelson.
338.0973 Sm79b The business end of government.
338.47004 C868a Accidental empires : how the boys of Silicon Valley make their millions, battle foreign competition, and still can't get a date / Robert X. Cringely.
338.552 R174n The no-nonsense guide to fair trade / David Ransom.
338.7 R542d Distant force : a memoir of the Teledyne Corporation and the man who created it / With an introduction to Teledyne Technologies by George A. Roberts, with Robert J. McVicker.
338.7 R738w The whistleblower : confessions of a healthcare hitman / by Peter Rost.
338.76292 D384o On a clear day you can see General Motors : John Z. de Lorean's look inside the automotive giant / J. Patrick Wright.
338.973 B284a America : what went wrong? / Donald L. Barlett, James B. Steele.
338.973 G862e The education of David Stockman and other Americans / William Greider.
341.23 K573g Global bondage : the U.N. plan to rule the world / by Cliff Kincaid.
341.446 C850s Surrender in Panama : the case against the treaty / Philip M. Crane introd. by Ronald Reagan.
341.6 G373n Nuremberg diary / by G.M. Gilbert.
343.0143 N420m Michael New : mercenary or American soldier? / [Daniel New with Cliff Kincaid].
345.73 L629a Absolute power : the legacy of corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department / David Limbaugh.
353.0072 D297u Unbridled power : inside the secret culture of the IRS / Shelley L. Davis.
353.0072 Ul4s Stockman : the man, the myth, the future / by Owen Ullmann.
353.0084 P442o On borrowed time : how the growth in entitlement spending threatens America's future / Peter G. Peterson and Neil Howe.
353.973 P424n Not for sale at any price : how we can save America for our children / Ross Perot.
355.6 M736p The Pentagon politics, profits and plunder, by Clark R. Mollenhoff.
356.1 R234f From transformation to combat : the first Stryker brigade at war / by Mark J. Reardon, Jeffery A. Charlston.
358.4 St48z Zanek! : a chronicle of the Israeli Air Force / by William Stevenson.
359.96 N811u Under fire : an American story / Oliver L. North with William Novak.
359.96 Un3 U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003 : anthology and annotated bibliography / compiled by Christopher M. Kennedy ... [et al.].
359.982 V431m A matter of risk : the incredible inside story of the CIA's Hughes Glomar Explorer mission to raise a Russian submarine / by Roy Varner, and Wayne Collier.
362.1 C217p Public health in action : practicing in the real world / Jan K. Carney.
362.1 Sch58i Introduction to public health / Mary-Jane Schneider drawings by Henry Schneider.
362.1071 T861p Public health : career choices that make a difference / Bernard J. Turnock.
362.1089 C884 Cross-cultural caring : a handbook for health professionals / edited by Nancy Waxler-Morrison ... [et al.]
362.1091724 M145t Third world health : hostage to first world health / Théodore H. MacDonald foreword by Desmond M. Tutu.
362.10973 Su59h 2006 Health care USA : understanding its organization and delivery / Harry A. Sultz, Kristina M. Young.
363.2 M990i Inside the KGB / Aleksei Myagkov.
363.34922 Un3h Hurricane Katrina : a nation still unprepared : special report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, together with additional views.
364.106 M112v The Valachi papers.
364.132 H129e The ends of power / H. R. Haldeman, with Joseph DiMona.
364.1523 Eg14b Breaking blue / Timothy Egan.
370.193 P931c Concepts and theories in sociology of education / Keith W. Prichard, Thomas H. Buxton.
371.337 B275g Games for the whole child / Brian Barrett.
371.384 Ad96 Adventure education : theory and applications / Project Adventure Dick Prouty, Jane Panicucci, Rufus Collinson, editors.
371.712 G463s School-based clinics, the abortion connection / Richard D. Glasow foreward by Jo Ann Gasper.
372.86 C529a Active bodies, active brains : building thinking skills through physical activity / Mary Ellen Clancy.
372.86 F529b Building strong bones & muscles / Graham J. Fishburne, Heather Anne McKay, Stephen P. Berg.
372.86 G135d Developmental physical education for all children / David L. Gallahue, Frances Cleland Donnelly.
372.868 K162i Inclusive creative movement and dance / Karen A. Kaufmann.
379.157 P919 Preparing for the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities examination / Sandra Rollins Hurley ... [et al.].
381 H210s The screwing of the average man / David Hapgood.
382.917 H871n NAFTA revisited : achievements and challenges / Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J. Schott assisted by Paul L.E. Grieco and Yee Wong.
410.92 C454ca The Cambridge companion to Chomsky / edited by James McGilvray.
510 V420e Euler through time : a new look at old themes / V.S. Varadarajan.
510.92 G237t The prince of mathematics : Carl Friedrich Gauss / M.B.W. Tent.
519.5 B856f Fuzzy statistics / James J. Buckley.
519.54 J258i Introduction to linear models and statistical inference / Steven J. Janke, Frederick C. Tinsley.
543.65 P935 Principles of mass spectrometry applied to biomolecules / edited by Julia Laskin, Chava Lifshitz.
575.1 G286h The genes we share with yeast, flies, worms, and mice : new clues to human health and disease / a report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
577.22 C613 Climate change and biodiversity / edited by Thomas E. Lovejoy and Lee Hannah.
589.9 B453 Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology. R. E. Buchanan & N. E. Gibbons, co-editors. With contributions from 128 colleagues.
610.727 H358l Longitudinal data analysis / Donald Hedeker, Robert D. Gibbons.
610.92 F229k Mountains beyond mountains / Tracy Kidder.
613.70712 C627s Sport progressions / Roy A. Clumpner.
613.71 Su84n No gym? no problem! : physical activities for tight spaces / Charmain Sutherland.
629.4 W832r The right stuff / Tom Wolfe.
658.812 M134c Citizen marketers : when people are the message / Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba.
779 Ec75 Ecotopia : the second ICP triennial of photography and video / [organized by] Brian Wallis ... [et al.] edited by Joanna Lehan.
779.092 Si58e Lorna Simpson / Okwui Enwezor curator's foreword by Helaine Posner essay by Hilton Als conversation with the artist, Isaac Julien and Thelma Golden with a preface by Shamim M. Momin.
780 En310 Engaging music : essays in music analysis / edited by Deborah Stein.
780.72 Em73 Empirical musicology : aims, methods, prospects / edited by Eric Clarke and Nicholas Cook.
780.952 W119m Music in Japan : experiencing music, expressing culture / Bonnie C. Wade.
780.973 R330m Music in America : experiencing music, expressing culture / Adelaida Reyes.
782.1 B459t Treacherous bonds and laughing fire : politics and religion in Wagner's Ring / Mark Berry.
784.09 F925 From Renaissance to Baroque : change in instruments and instrumental music in the seventeenth century : proceedings of the National Early Music Association Conference held, in association with the Department of Music, University of York and the York Early Music Festival, at the University College of Ripon and York St. John, York, 2-4 July 1999 / edited by Jonathan Wainwright, Peter Holman.
784.262 Ir8m Mozart's piano concertos / John Irving.
791.436 C748 A concise companion to Shakespeare on screen / edited by Diana E. Henderson.
791.4375 H719m Meeting movies / Norman N. Holland.
793.8 G175c The colossal book of short puzzles and problems : combinatorics, probability, algebra, geometry, topology, chess, logic, cryptarithms, wordplay, physics and other topics of recreational mathematics / Martin Gardner edited by Dana Richards.
795.7 R367i Icons.
809.38762 R541h The history of science fiction / Adam Roberts.
809.9112 Ar58m Modernism : a cultural history / Tim Armstrong.
810.9 H117f Fears and fascinations : representing Catholicism in the American South / Thomas F. Haddox.
810.9112 C144 The Cambridge companion to American modernism / edited by Walter Kalaidjian.
811.38 F730r Re-scripting Walt Whitman : an introduction to his life and work / Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price.
813.5 On1 On glorious wings : the best flying stories of the century / edited and introduced by Stephen Coonts.
813.52 C285cam The Cambridge companion to Willa Cather / edited by Marilee Lindemann.
813.54 G887ki The king of torts / John Grisham.
818.52 B854d Down the Seine and up the Potomac with Art Buchwald.
820.9 C748 A concise companion to the Restoration and eighteenth century / edited by Cynthia Wall.
820.9358 H899 Hungry words : images of famine in the Irish Canon / edited by George Cusack, Sarah Goss.
821.47 L621t Theological Milton : deity, discourse and heresy in the Miltonic canon / Michael Lieb.
821.994 L862co Collected poems / Michael Longley.
821.994 Oc1f Fiction / Conor O'Callaghan.
821.994 Si79se Poems. Selections.;"Selected poems / Peter Sirr."
822.3 Su53m Memory and forgetting in English Renaissance drama : Shakespeare, Marlowe, Webster / Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr.
822.33 H775s Shakespeare on the edge : border-crossing in the tragedies and the Henriad / Lisa Hopkins.
829.3 St29c A companion to Beowulf / Ruth Johnston Staver.
841.14 C738 A companion to Chrétien de Troyes / edited by Norris J. Lacy and Joan Tasker Grimbert.
883.1 Es73 Essays on the Iliad : selected modern criticism / edited by John Wright.
891.6213 M552m Cúirt an mheán oíche. English;"The midnight court : a new translation of Cúirt an mheán oíche / by Brian Merriman [translated and with a foreword by] Ciaran Carson."
895.6314 M931c Appraising Genji : literary criticism and cultural anxiety in the age of the last samurai / Patrick W. Caddeau.
907.2 C547h History, theory, text : historians and the linguistic turn / Elizabeth A. Clark.
909.08 G568l Love, sex & tragedy : how the ancient world shapes our lives / Simon Goldhill.
917.98 M175g Going to extremes / by Joe McGinniss.
920 B561 Black heroes in world history : biographies from Tuesday magazine.--
940.53 K967b The bravest battle : the 28 days of the Warsaw ghetto uprising / Dan Kurzman.
940.5481 B787g The greatest generation speaks : letters and reflections / Tom Brokaw.
940.5486 C719 Colossus : the secrets of Bletchley Park's codebreaking computers / B. Jack Copeland and others edited by B. Jack Copeland.
953.8 L229 A land transformed : the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Aramco / edited by Arthur P. Clark, Muhammad A. Tahlawi authors, William Facey, Paul Lunde, Micheal McKinnon, Thomas A. Pledge contributing editors, Thomas A. Pledge, Helen El Mallakh, James P. Mandaville, Kay Hardy Campbell.
954.04 C694f Freedom at midnight / Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre.
956.9405 K159b Battleground: fact and fantasy in Palestine, by Samuel Katz.
967.62 D612o Out of Africa / Isak Dinesen.
970.04 B362i I will fight no more forever : Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War / Merrill D. Beal.
972.91 M296f Fortress Cuba Russia's American base.
972.91 M624l Listen, Yankee : The revolution in Cuba / C. Wright Mills.
973 J636h A history of the American people / Paul Johnson.
973.337 Se48m March to victory : Washington, Rochambeau, and the Yorktown Campaign of 1781.
973.44 M139j John Adams / David McCullough.
973.92 C774a The Americans : fifty talks on our life and times / Alistair Cooke.
973.922 C690k The Kennedys : an American drama / by Peter Collier & David Horowitz.
973.924 N654r v.2 RN, the memoirs of Richard Nixon.
973.925 Al53j Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter / by Gary Allen.
973.927 J451m My capitol secrets / Rita Jenrette.
973.929 B669f Feeling your pain : the explosion and abuse of government power in the Clinton-Gore years / James Bovard.
973.929 C229c Clinton confidential : the climb to power : the unauthorized biography of Bill and Hillary Clinton / George Carpozi, Jr.
973.929 C832h High crimes and misdemeanors : the case against Bill Clinton / Ann H. Coulter.
973.929 D820o On the edge : the Clinton presidency / Elizabeth Drew.
973.929 Ev16s The secret life of Bill Clinton : the unreported stories / Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.
973.929 G433t To renew America / Newt Gingrich.
973.929 Is3u Uncovering Clinton : a reporter's story / Michael Isikoff.
973.929 K287m The murder of Vince Foster / by Michael Kellett.
973.929 K967s Spin cycle : inside the Clinton propaganda machine / Howard Kurtz.
973.929 Oa4o On the make : the rise of Bill Clinton / Meredith L. Oakley.
973.929 Ol8f The final days : the last, desperate abuses of power by the Clinton White House / Barbara Olson.
973.929 Ol8h Hell to pay : the unfolding story of Hillary Rodham Clinton / Barbara Olson.
973.929 Or3o The O'Reilly factor : the good, bad, and completely ridiculous in American life / Bill O'Reilly.
973.929 So12h Hustler : the Clinton legacy / by Joe Sobran selected and edited by Tom McPherren [foreword by Ann Coulter].
973.929 St28s The Starr report : the official report of the Independent Counsel's investigation of the President / [Kenneth Starr]
973.929 St43a All too human : a political education / George Stephanopoulos.
978.02 L872 Looking far West : the search for the American West in history, myth, and literature / edited by Frank Bergon and Zeese Papanikolas.
979.461 Au89h Historic resource study for Muir Woods National Monument : Golden Gate National Recreation Area / by John Auwaerter and John F. Sears.
985.02 P925h History of the conquest of Peru. With an introd., new notes, and a new summary of the civil wars and subsequent events by Victor W. von Hagen.
Labels: new books