Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Plum Book"

The 2008 edition of the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the Plum Book, is now available from the U.S. Government Printing Office.

Alternately prepared after each Presidential election by the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Government Reform, the Plum Book provides comprehensive information on thousands of Federal civil service leadership and support positions in the legislative and executive branches of the Federal Government that may be subject to noncompetitive appointment, nationwide. It provides a current list of data, which includes the following major categories of

* Executive Schedule and salary-equivalent positions paid at the rates established for levels I through V of the Executive Schedule;
* Senior Executive service "General" positions;
* Senior Foreign Service positions;
* Schedule C positions excepted from the competitive service by the President, or by the Director, Office of Personnel Management, because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties;
* Other positions at the GS-14 and above level excepted from the competitive service by law because of the confidential or policy-determining nature of the position duties.

The Plum Book also provides information on SES appointments.
Additionally, appendices provide information on the positions listed and the Federal salary schedules under which they are paid.

The digital version is available on GPO Access at <>. It has been made available in its entirety, as a single PDF file. GPO has refined the
2008 Plum Book by adding bookmarks to it and optimizing it for the web.
The report is also available as a collection of smaller PDFs arranged in a browse table based on the Plum Book's table of contents. You can download entire chapters, or just information on individual commissions, councils, corporations, departments, offices, etc.

In addition to being available on GPO Access, the 2008 the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book) is also available through the U.S. Government Online Bookstore and the Federal Depository Library Program.

Copies are available for purchase at: <> under
S/N: 052-070-07534-1.

In addition, the Plum Book will be distributed to Federal depository libraries under:

Class: Y 4.6 74/9:

Item # 1037-B (Paper)
1037-C (Microfiche)

Shipping list # TBD

A cataloging record will be created for the electronic version which will link to the online version via PURL.
