Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Cup of Friendship by Deborah Rodriguez

One of our newest lease books is A Cup of Friendship by Deborah Rodriguez. This book has received a lot of good reviews. It's setting is Afghanistan. One of the main characters owns a coffee shop. I ran across a wonderful review of it at the 5 Minutes for Books blog.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Donald Rumsfeld

Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense, has written a new book entitled, Known and Unknown. In conjunction with that new book release, he has created a web site entitled The Rumsfield Papers. It's a work in progress. Priority has been given to the works he cited in his memoir. The document library contains hundreds of declassified or previously unreleased documents.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

President's Budget FY 2012

The President's Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012 is now available from the United States Government Printing Office (GPO). The public can search or browse the budget, which is accessible from GPO's Federal Digital System at: FY 2012 Budget documents are available in PDF, with many of the tables also available for separate viewing and downloading as spreadsheets in xls and comma delimited formats.

The President's budget documents for FY 2012 will be distributed to Federal depository libraries in paper format under:

* Title: Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012
* Class: PREX 2.8:2012

* Title: Appendix, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012
* Class: PREX 2.8:2012/APP

* Title: Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012
* Class: PREX 2.8/5:2012

* Title: Historical Tables, Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2012
* Class: PREX 2.8/8:2012

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Upcoming Chapel Speaker: Dr. Tony Campolo

Dr. Tony Campolo, founder of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education, will be the Chapel speaker on February 22. For more information about Dr. Campolo, and specifics about the chapel service, which is open to the public, please read the C-N news item regarding his speaking in chapel here.

You can also check out many of Dr. Campolo's books from the C-N Library:

(in reverse chronological order)

Revolution and renewal how churches are saving our cities (electronic book)
Is Jesus a Republican or a Democrat? : and 14 other polarizing issues 261.8 C157i
Can mainline denominations make a comeback? 280.4 C157a
Carpe diem : seize the day 248.4 C157c
How to rescue the earth without worshiping nature 261.86 C157h
Sociology through the eyes of faith (coauthor) 261.5 F862s
50 ways you can feed a hungry world 361.37 C157f
Wake up America! : answering God's radical call while living in the real world 277.304 C157w
Growing up in America : a sociology of youth ministry 268.433 C157g
20 hot potatoes Christians are afraid to touch 241 C157t
Who switched the price tags? : a search for values in a mixed-up world 241 C157w
Partly right 239 C157p
We have met the enemy, and they are partly right 239 C157w
It's Friday, but Sunday's comin' 248.4 C157i
You can make a difference! 248.83 C157y
Ideas for social action 259.2 C157i
The success fantasy 248.4 C157s

To view these in the C-N catalog, click here.