Friday, March 24, 2006

New Books - March 24

The following gift books have been added. Some contain links to for reviews.

071.471 K714p - Kluger, Richard. The Paper: The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. (Knopf, 1986).

226.03 D561 - Green, Joel B. and McKnight, Scot, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels. (InterVarsity Press, 1992).

227.03 D561 - Hawthorne, Gerald F. and Martin, Ralph P., eds. Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. (InterVarsity Press, 1993).

252 B282d - Barth, Karl. Deliverance to the Captives. (Harper & Brothers, 1961).

300.15195 Ar67 - Aron, Arthur and Aron, Elaine N. Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course. 2nd ed. (Prentice Hall, 2002)

300.72 B456s - Bernard, H. Russell. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. (Sage, 2000)

301 F411s - Ferrante, Joan. Sociology: A Global Perspective. 6th ed. Instructor's ed. (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006)

301 G360i - Giddens, Anthony; Duneier, Mitchell; and Appelbaum, Richard P. Introduction to Sociology. 5th ed. (Norton, 2005)

306 F412c - Ferraro, Gary. Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective. 6th ed. (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006)

306 H299c - Haviland, William A., et. al. Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge. 11th ed. (Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2005)

378.071 C462 - Christian Higher Education: A Festschrift for Norman V. Bridges. (Reflections: A Publication of the Missionary Church Historical Society, Spring/Fall 2003, vol. 7, nos. 1 & 2).

658 C361s - Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Empire. (M.I.T. Press, 1962)

664.9 N556h - Nierenberg, Danielle. Happier Meals: Rethinking the Global Meat Industry. (WorldWatch Paper; 171; State of the World Library, 2005)

790.0974 D228p - Daniels, Bruce D. Puritans at Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England. 10th Anniv. Ed. (Palgrave MacMillan, 2005) [Link is to original ed. reviews]

796.357 B291e - Einstein, Charles. The Baseball Reader: Favorites from the Fireside Books of Baseball. (Bonanza Books, 1989)

808.80354 Ox2r - Rubinstein, Helge, ed. The Oxford Book of Marriage. (Oxford University Press, 1990)

917.304 Ad17f - Adams, Bruce and Engel, Margaret. Fodor's Ballpark Vacations: Great Family Trips to Minor League and Classic Major League Baseball Parks Across America. (Fodor's Travel Publications, 1997)

938.07 Se17 - The Search for Alexander: An Exhibition; National Gallery of Art, Washington; Art Institute of Chicago; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. (New York Graphic Society, 1980)

973.73 C887 - Webb, Willard, ed. Crucial Moments of the Civil War. (Bonanza Books, 1961)

JF B990to - Byars, Betsy. Tornado. Illustrated by Doron Ben-Ami. (Scholastic, 1996)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Books - March 22

The following titles have been added to the collection. All circulating titles are shelved in cataloging until the circulation module of the new system is implemented.

226.06 N229g - Navone, John. Gospel Love: A Narrative Theology. (Michael Glazier, 1984).

227 F613f - Flanagan, Neal. Friend Paul: His Letters, Theology and Humanity. (Michael Glazier, 1986)

227.9407 H111l - Haas, C. et al. A Handbook on the Letters of John. (United Bible Societies, 1972)

232.09 N497c - Neyrey, Jerome H. Christ is Community: The Christologies of the New Testament. (Liturgical Press, 1990)

232.92 H787l - Horsley, Richard A. The Liberation of Christmas. (Continuum, 1989).

232.97 N497r - Neyrey, Jerome. The Resurrection: Stories. (Michael Glazier, 1988).

234.161 Ea78b - Eastman, A. Theodore. The Baptizing Community: Christian Initiation and the Local Congregation. (Seabury, 1982).

241 Ot6w - O'Toole, Robert F. Who Is a Christian? A Study in Pauline Ethics. (Liturgical Press, 1990).

262.7 H237l - Harrington, Daniel. Light of All Nations: Essays on the Church in New Testament Research. (Michael Glazier, 1982).

345.4 Un3 - Official Reports of the Supreme Court, vol. 543 U.S., pt. 1.

796.357 T918 - Nemec, David, et al. 20th Century Baseball Chronicle: A Year-By-Year History of Major League Baseball. (Tormont, 1992).

R 016.05 M272 2005 - Magazines in Special Media. (National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 2005).

R 027.6 L616 2005 - Library Resources for the Blind and Physically Handicapped: A Directory with Budget, Staff, and Collections Information and FY 2004 Statistics on Readership and Circulation. (National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 2005).

R 361.007 St29 2002 - Council on Social Work Education. Statistics on Social Work Education in the United States: 2002.

T 843.65 C39a 1884 - Chateaubriand. Atala. Ill. by Gustave Dore. (Cassell, 1884).

T 976.80092 F739 - Crutchfield, James A., ed. Footprints Across the Pages of Tennessee History. (Williams Press, 1976).

BAPT 209.73 T614f - Tonks, A. Ronald and Deweese, Charles W. Faith, Stars, and Stripes: The Impact of Christianity on the Life History of America. (Broadman, 1976).

BAPT 232.3 P374a - Pendleton, J. M. The Atonement of Christ. (American Baptist Pub. Society, 1885).

BAPT 248.6 N213r - Hendricks, William L., ed. Resource Unlimited. (Stewardship Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1972).

BAPT 266.6 L437h - Lawrence, J. B. History of the Home Mission Board. (Broadman, 1958).

BAPT 266.6109 H911h - Hunt, Alma. History of Woman's Missionary Union. (Convention Press, 1964).

BAPT 266.6132 B411m - Belew, M. Wendell. A Missions People: The Southern Baptist Pilgrimage. (Broadman, 1989).

BAPT 286 F663 2004 - Year 2004 Annual of the Florida Baptist State Convention: Annual Meeting Held in Prime Osborn Convention Center, Jacksonville, Florida, November 8-9, 2004. (Florida Baptist Convention Center, 2004).

BAPT 286.09 Or1c - Orchard, G. H. A Concise History of Foreign Baptists: Taken from the New Testament, the First Fathers, Early Writers, and Historians of All ages; Chronologically Arranged; Exhibiting Their Distinct Communities, with Their Orders in Various Kingdoms, Under Several Discriminative Appellations from the Establishment of Christianity to the Present Age: With Correlative Information, Supporting the Early and Only Practice of Believers' Immersion: Also Observations and Notes on the Abuse of the Ordinance, and the Rise of Minor and Infant Baptism. (St. Louis Baptist Pub. Co., 1855).

BAPT 286.09 T828b - Tully, Hugh L. A Brief History of the Baptists with Chapters on Baptism, Lord's Supper, etc. (The author, 1938).

BAPT 286.0973 Ar58b - Armstrong, O. K. and Armstrong, Marjorie. The Baptists in America. (Doubleday, 1979).

BAPT 286.09769 Sp33h 1886 - Spencer, J. H. A History of Kentucky Baptists from 1769 to 1885 including more than 800 Biographical Sketches. Rev. and corrected by Burilla B. Spencer. (The author, 1886)

BAPT 286.10631 B23 1928 - Whitley, W. T., ed. Fourth Baptist World Congress, Toronto, Canada, 23-29 June, 1928: Record of Proceedings. (Stewart Printing Service, [1928]).

BAPT 286.10631 B23 1939 - Rushbrooke, J. H., ed. Sixth Baptist World Congress, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., July 22-28, 1939: Official Report. (Baptist World Alliance, 1939).

BAPT 286.10631 B23 1970 - Reconciliation Through Christ: Official Report of the Twelfth Congress, Baptist World Alliance, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-18, 1970. (Judson Press, 1971).

BAPT 286.109 B229 - Pierard, Richard V., ed. Baptists Together in Christ, 1905-2005: A Hundred-Year History of the Baptist World Alliance. (Baptist World Alliance, 2005).

BAPT 286.132 B955r - Burton, Joe W. Road to Nashville. (Broadman, 1977).

BAPT 286.132 B955ro - Burton, Joe W. Road to Recovery: Southern Baptist Renewal Following the Civil War, as Seen Especially in the Work of I. T. Tichenor. (Broadman, 1977).

BAPT 286.175 H469s - Hester, Hubert Inman. Southern Baptists and Their History. (Historical Commission, SBC, 1971).

BAPT 286.17557 Se91c - Sexton, Mark S. The Chalice and the Covenant: A History of the New Covenant Baptist Association, 1868-1975. (Hunter Pub. Co., 1976).

BAPT 922.673 F982ro - Rogers, James A. Richard Furman: Life and Legacy. (Mercer, 1985).

Masters Theses Added

These Masters Theses were added to Special Collections:

Cogdill, Melissa. The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Evaluating the Association between Acute Myocardial Infarction and Leukocyte Counts in Women. (2005)

Damewood, Joseph D. Behavioral Indicators of Nurses Practicing Impaired. (2004)

Hollingshead, Samuel, Jr. Implementation of State Guidelines for Identifying, Assessing, and Serving Tennessee's Gifted Students. (2005)

Knox, Jeff. Parent, Teacher, and Student Perceptions of Modern Physical Education and Its Relationship to Academic Performance. (2004)

Honors Projects

The following honors projects have been added. All circulation copies are shelved in the cataloging department until circulation in the new system goes live. Copies of each of these are also available in Special Collections in the College Archives under the classification T HONORS PROJECT.

016.7846 P293c - Payne, Catherine. A Computerized Bibliography of Piano Preludes Based on Hymn Tunes to Correlate with the 1975 Baptist Hymnal. (1988)

155.418 H736c - Holmes, Jennifer Lynn. A Comparison of Teacher Awareness of Prosocial Behavior in Schools with Different Systems of Reward. (2005)

202.118 M247a - Matlack, Jason I. Assessing the Problems of Soul-Making: A Study of the Critical Responses to John Hick's Theodicy. (2005)

230.6132 Ax56c - Axley, Amanda Whitney. Controversy Surrounding the Baptist Faith and Message. (2005)

235 B812i - Brown, Andrew. Is Privatio Boni Enough? Walter Wink's Alternative to Augustine. (2005)

254 F924s - Frohock, Kyle D. A Study of the Universal Management Model as Applied to the Local Church. (2005)

372.976882 P214c - Pare, Amanda L. A Case Study of the Benwood Schools: An Inner City Model. (2005)

378.768924 R623h - Roegner, Deborah. A Historical Analysis of the Psychology Department at Carson-Newman College. (1988)

519.54 An23a - Anderson, Christopher Eugene. An Analysis of Maximum Likelihood. (2005)

541.372 D332i - Day, James C. Ionization Studies of Alkalies: W Values and Emission Spectra. (1988)

782.27 H865a - Huckaby, Tessa L. As Long as the English Language Shall Be Understood: A Retrospective Evaluation of the Hymns of Charles Wesley. (2005)

791.436561 W124p - Waggoner, Brian S. Perceptions of Psychotherapy in Popular Film. (2005)

812.6 H143a - Hall, James Adam. American Values. (2004)

888.4 L942k - Lovelace, Diana J. "Kept from Knowledge": Contemporary Novelists Challenge Plato's Theories Concerning Thought Control. (2005)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Lease Books - March 21

The following lease books were received today and placed on display. We are including links to so that you can read the reviews!

F HOA - Hoag, Tami. Prior Bad Acts. New York: Bantam, 2006.

F VIN - Vine, Barbara. The Minotaur: A Novel. 1st American ed. New York: Shaye Areheart Books, 2005. (Note: Barbara Vine also writes under the name of Ruth Rendell.)

New Lease Books - March 20

Hope you all enjoyed your spring break. The library placed the following new lease book titles in the display area on Monday. (For your convenience, we are linking to the listing of the book so you can read reviews.)

F BAR - Barnes, Julian. Arthur & Julian. 1st American ed. New York: Knopf, 2006.

F CRU - Crusie, Jennifer. Anyone But You. Don Mills, Ont.: HQN, 2006, c1996.

F GAR - Gardner, Lisa. Gone. New York: Bantam, 2006.

F GUN - Gunning, Sally. The Widow's War. New York: Morrow, 2006.

F PIC - Picoult, Jodi. The Tenth Circle. New York: Atria, 2006.

F SCH - Schechter, Peter. Point of Entry. 1st ed. New York: Rayo, 2006.

F TEM - Temple, Lou Jane. Death Du Jour. 1st ed. New York: Berkley Prime Crime, 2006.

For all of you football fans out there, we've also received the following biography of Bill Belichick, coach of the New England Patriots:

B BELICHICK - Halberstam, David. The Education of a Coach. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion, 2005.